Yep, you read that right — Fat Fox is going on hiatus for all of July and August (right after we rock the July 3rd Veteran’s Benefit Concert). It’s for good reason, we promise!! But unfortunately, it is also why we’re not performing at Live@5 this year…
The reason you ask?? — Well as some of you certainly know, our guitar player Tommy is a Master Sergeant in the Washington Air National Guard (That’s Air Force, not Army!) and has recently been selected to commission as an Officer!!
While that’s excellent news; it also means he will be away re-learning how to march; get yelled at; do pushups; and oh yes, lead Airman in the world’s greatest Air Force.

(Tommy rockin’ a sweet mustache while overseas!)
But don’t worry! — Tommy’s back in September and we’re already getting a gig lined up! — Stay tuned to our events page for details!
Make sure to wish Tommy good luck and we’ll see you out there! — Keep rockin’!!
-Fat Fox